At ViewStats we are constantly growing our database of channels. If you happen to not see your channel on either or the Chrome Extension, you can manually start tracking it with the press of a button.
While we continue to scale our database, we are prioritizing channels based on specific criteria. In the meantime, you can still add a channel to the queue. Keep reading to find out how!
You can manually track a channel one of two ways. The first way is by heading over to and typing in the channel that currently isn't shown. Viewstats will recognize the channel has not been found and will show a "Track Channel" button which you can click. Once clicked, we will work on getting the channel added to our database.
Here's what it looks like:
The second way you can track a channel is by downloading our chrome extension. After installing the extension you can head over to Open up any video on a channel that isn't being tracked and hit "Track Channel" on the top right hand side. Once it shows "Tracked" we will work on getting the channel and video added to our database.
Here's what is looks like:
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